1-Setting up Vault and Repo

Digital Garden Documentation

  1. Copy the Digital Garden Repo.
    1. Go to oleeskild/digitalgarden
    2. Choose Use this template, then Create a new repository. (Upper right)
    3. On the Create a new repository, choose the correct Owner and give the repository a name.
  2. Create a personal access token in your GitHub profile that the Digital Garden plugin will use to access this new repo.
    1. Go to Fine-grained Personal Access Tokens and click Generate new token
    2. Give the token a name
    3. Set the expiration appropriately
    4. In Repository access choose Only select repositories
    5. Select the newly created repository.
    6. Under Permissions, choose Repository permissions.
    7. Select Read and write for Contents and Pull requests.
  3. Open Obsidian and create a new vault.
  4. Install the Digital Garden plugin.
  5. Enable and configure the plugin
    1. Provide the new GitHub repo name and user name.
    2. Provide the newly created personal access token.
    3. All other configurations can be set as needed. Cf 03 Note settings and following to understand these settings.